ค้นหาบทความธรรมะ คำว่า : temple staff training
The New Year Activities at Dhammakaya Florida Temple

The New Year Activities at Dhammakaya Florida Temple

3,473 ครั้ง
Helping Hands for Nepal

Helping Hands for Nepal

3,802 ครั้ง
DCI Novices' Ordination Ceremony on May 3rd, 2012

DCI Novices' Ordination Ceremony on May 3rd, 2012

9,085 ครั้ง
Activities at Dhammakaya Brisbane Temple

Activities at Dhammakaya Brisbane Temple

9,709 ครั้ง
The Photo Collection of the World Meditation Day 2013

The Photo Collection of the World Meditation Day 2013

8,560 ครั้ง
Why do people have to pay homage? Ignorant!

Why do people have to pay homage? Ignorant!

4,182 ครั้ง